Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hemorrhoids a real pain in the butt

Hemorrhoids: A Real Pain in the Butt!

Being afflicted by hemorrhoids is no laughing matter. The pain and itching associated with the condition can be embarrassing as well as distracting. There are a variety of solutions to help you overcome the condition and we'll discuss them here.

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Being afflicted by hemorrhoids is no laughing matter. The pain and itching associated with the condition can be embarrassing as well as distracting. There are a variety of solutions to help you overcome hemorrhoids and we'll discuss some of your options here.

Exactly what are hemorrhoids? In short, hemorrhoids refers to a condition in which the veins around the lower rectum or anus are swollen and inflamed. Hemorrhoids can be found internally within the anus or externally around the anus.

The condition is often worsened as sufferers attempt to make a bowel movement. Other causes include: diarrhea, anal intercourse, pregnancy, constipation, and aging.

Signs of hemorrhoids are observed through blood on toilet tissue, as well as blood found in and around the toilet bowl. A lump or painful swelling around the anus can be a physical sign as well as extreme itching in the same area.

There are two methods you can try to actively reduce or elimi


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